Sunday, September 24, 2006

I can do it myself mom.

Oh Aunt Lisa that was funny one tell me another Baby joke, Did ya hear the one about the Baby, the Rabbi, and the Priest?

The Class of 2024

Avery, Michael, Mallory

I think Michael has a thing for Mallory

My friend Mallory, Daddy, and I

Come on Mom I'm trying to take a nap here

Avery and Daddy the Great

Early morning, sleepy morning, Mommy takes me to Amy's before she goes to work.

Stand in the place that you are

Avery and Aunt Lisa.

Aunt Lisa introduced Daddy and Mommy.

I Like Aunt Lisa.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

How I Love to look upon the sky

Okay I am Ready to go out on the town but what is with this hat?

Grandma JoAnn and Aunt Sherrie gave me this mighty cute outfit.
Four Years

Daddy loves Mommy

Mommy loves Daddy

Daddy and Mommy love Baby Avery

Daddy, Mommy, and I celebrated at Los Tres Amigos

Boy does that place smell good, now all I need is a menu and teeth.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

This is my daddy. I LOVE my daddy, He is so good to me. He changes diapers, makes bottles, plays on the floor with me, and he is the best burper. When daddy holds me I know all is right with the world and I love to fall asleep in his arms.

Mom will take a picture of me doing anything, even sleeping

Pictable Artist Todd Damotte of Hannibal, MO

This Fella makes a painting while music plays.

I give the performance a bottle and a half.

Pictable Artist Todd Damotte of Hannibal, MO

This Fella makes a painting while music plays.

I give the performance a bottle and a half.

Grandma Alice loves me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daddy runs the sound board the musical acts at the Chautauqua.

Ladies and gentleman may I present the "Preminum Adjusters"

Saturday at the Chautauqua festival in Chillicothe we had a grand time.

These fellas are real good. They are from K.C. check em out if you have a chance you will be glad you did. Two bottles up.

Just a Swinging!!!!

New Furniture

Yes it is true Mommy and Daddy traded in the early garage sale duct-taped furnitue for something a bit more to my suiting.

Mommy and Daddy went to the Movies while I partied at Grandma Alice's. Mommy and Daddy saw Talladega Nights. Mommy and Daddy wished they would have stayed at home. I however had a great time being the center of all attention.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Grandma JoAnn, Aunt Sherrie, and I.

Oatmeal with pear juice and side of pear sauce, my favorite!!! Way to go Chef Mommy

I have also developed quite a love for sweet potatoes, carrots, and prunes.

Watch as I work to develop my hand eye coordination

Grandma Alice, Grandpa Bill, and I discuss how cute I am
Daddy and I Discuss the artistic merits of getting some lunch. Hey Mom where is that bottle?

The Water lilies by Monet was amazing. I especially loved how he used the brushstrokes to add abstract expressionism to a reality based subject yet the nature of what he seeks to show us comes through in a dreamy misty sense. I give it two bottles.

Daddy and I check out the sculpture exhibits we just can't wait until the new sculpture garden opens.

Mr Teddy and I take our first trip to Nelson Atkins museum of Art. Here we are watching the fountain at the Rozelle Restaurant watching the fountain.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Mommy and I watch Mr. Sun come up. I like to be up to see Mr. Sun come up.

Daddy and I say goodnight

Sunset from my window

Pretty nice view, HUH?

Grandma Alice and Grandpa BIll gave me this all over John Deere bid